Our Vision

Please note:
Having brought our major projects to a happy conclusion, we dissolved Purple as of August 31, 2023. This site functions only as a repository of information about the Lesbian Legacies Endowment we created, and as a record of Purple’s herstory.

Purple is a feminist umbrella organization for activities and initiatives that promote lesbian and womyn’s community. At present, our major focus is on promoting the Lesbian Legacies Endowment at the Michigan State University Libraries Special Collections, and on soliciting donations to increase the capacity of the endowment to make grants to visiting scholars.

Since our start-up in 2013, we have managed our own Michfest Fever fundraising project and  several community events, served as the fiscal sponsor for the We Want The Land Coalition in their successful effort to acquire The Land (“For women. For girls. Forever.”), and actively solicited proposals for likely lesbian/womyn’s projects centered in the Lansing area. Though we have happily consulted with other womyn about a few initiatives that were beyond our scope, we have found no demand for our umbrella function locally and are no longer soliciting proposals.  We do remain available for consultation on activities and initiatives that promote lesbian and womyn’s community.

As it becomes feasible to resume activities after the pandemic, we envision hosting some cultural and social events to provide occasions for the nearby lesbian/womyn’s community to gather, celebrate and network.